Naw Eerrsosts AND REPRINTS.-In the "Temple Classics" (J. M. Dent
and Co., Is. 6c1. net per vol.), Vasar-e's Lives of the Painters, Vols. VII. and VIII., completing the work ; The Inferno of Dante A/ighieri; and The Master Mosaic-Workers, translated from the French of George Sand by Charlotte C. Johnston.-. Fairy-Tales of the Brothers Grimm. A New Translation by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. With Illustrations by Arthur Rackbam. (Free- mantle and Co. 6s. net.)-Horae Subsecivae. By John Brown, M.D. 3 vols. (A. and C. Black. 2s. net each.)-.A. new edition of the three series, and most welcome. It is some time, as far as we have noticed, since these delightful essays were reprinted, and we are very glad to see them.-Poems. By Peter Burn. (Bemrose and Sons, fes.)- A " complete revised edition."-In the series of "Flowers of Parnassus" (J. Lane, ls. net per vol.), The Nutbrown Maid, and A Ballade upon a Wedding, by Sir John Suckling. -With these we may mention A Little Book of English Lyrics (Methuen and Co., le. 6d.), beginning with the Earl of Surrey's " Description of Spring" and ending with the " Annabel Lee" of E. A. Poe.-Tennyson's Princess. Arranged as a Play by Elsie Foggerty. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)-The Forsaken Merman. By Matthew Arnold. Decorated by Jean C, Archer. (J. M. Dent and Co. ls. 6d. net.)