[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In your issue of
last Saturday Admiral the Hon. Victor Montagu expressed a desire to know " whose flag 'Civis' is flying." I can enlighten the gallant Admiral a little. " Civis " flies the flag of those who, whether naval officers or civilians, do not regard specious advertisements or the noisy acclamations of interested individuals as sure signs of the success of a scheme which has never stood the test of time; of a design which has never stood the test of war ; of a strategy which has never stood the test of anything. For my part, I prefer to sail with " Civis " instead of joining that rose-hued craft on which the gallant Admiral hoists his flag, even though Mr. Arnold White be aboard, armed with his twenty-one points and accompanied by the whole naval school of music blowing paeans of praise on their brand-new instru-