22 DECEMBER 1906, Page 19


[To TES EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Snt,—In the article in last week's Spectator on " Colonial Athletes" the "conclusion which implies, on the whole, that from the athletic point of view the native of Great Britain is inferior, generally speaking, to the natives of British Colonies," is partly supported by quoting the comparatively large number of successes of the " Rhodes" Scholars in athletic sports at the Universities. But do their successes go far towards proving this ? Is it not the fact that " Rhodes " Scholars are, as a rule, a year or two older than native under- graduates ? If so, it follows that the latter are severely handicapped when competing against rivals who have the great advantage (at that time of life) of an additional year or two of physical development and training.—I am, Sir, &c.,

F. M. H.