The Message of President Roosevelt in regard to the Isthmian
Canal gives a full and illustrated account of his trip to Panama, which he purposely undertook in the most rainy season in order that he might see the canal zone at its worst. The result of his careful personal inspection has been to convince him that Congress was right in deciding against the high-level or sea-level canal schemes, and that the Panama. route is much superior to the Nicaragua and Darien routes. He found the present health of the dwellers on the Isthmus excellent, commends the sanitary arrangements at Panama and Colon, and describes how even during the rainy season excavation was proceeding rapidly. In view of the violent attacks made on the Panama Canal Com- mission, the President's tribute is remarkable. He has been unable to find a single reputable person " who had so much as heard any serious charge affecting the honesty of the Commis- sion or of any responsible officer under it." Setting aside honest criticism, there had been an unprecedented amount of reck- less slander. He did not feel called on to deal with foreign calumniators, but he felt the heartiest contempt for and indignation against the American slanderers who sought, in wantonness and malice, to hamper and frustrate a great national undertaking. The President concludes by declaring himself satisfied that the enterprise will be ultimately successful.