A Treasury of English Literature. Selected and Arranged by Kate
M. Warren. (A. Constable and Co. 7s. ed. net.)—This volume is intended to be a companion to Mr. Stopford Brooke's "Primer of English Literature," and it comes with a warm com- mendation from Mr. Brooke's own pen. Book I. (pp. 1-112) contains specimens of early work from the seventh century down to the eleventh, the latest in date being an extract, " The Character of William the Conqueror," from the " Chronicle." Here all the pieces are furnished with a translation. Book II. carries on the selection to the middle of the sixteenth century. When we reach 1250 the translation gives place to a copious glossary. In Book III. we have "Elizabethan Literature"; in IV., "Bacon to Milton "; in V., "Waller to Addison " ; in VI., " Johnson to Burns."—One of the " Golden Anthologies " (G. Routledge and Sons, 1s. net) is Poems of Nature, Edited by G. K. A. Bell.