22 DECEMBER 1906, Page 26


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other Arms.] Walter Frank Raphael Weldon,1860-1906. (Cambridge Univer- sity Press. Eis. net.)—This is the story of a life very full of work. W. F. R. Weldon was the son of a distinguished father (who greatly improved the chlorine process). He studied at University College and at King's College, London, and went up to Cambridge in 1878. His line of study was zoology. On graduating, when the neces- sity for earning money by coaching had ceased, he divided his time between teaching and travel. As a teacher he was extra- ordinarily successful, with the limitation that he had to have a sympathetic audience. In 1891 he became Professor at University College, London ; in 1900 he was appointed to a similar Chair at Oxford. After a tenure of six years he died somewhat suddenly of pneumonia, worn out, one can hardly help thinking, by work and by laborious recreation. The value of his lifework, occupied as it largely was with subjects that from the point of view of literature, history, or politics may seem trifling, is not to be estimated here.