The situation in Morocco is still inspired with the spirit
of comic opera. Raisuli is afraid of the Sultan's troops, who are afraid of Raisuli ; while the European Powers are pray- ing that nothing may compel them to an intervention, which every Moor believes to be their dearest wish. Such is the summary of the Times correspondent, and it seems to represent the facts. The Sultan's troops and the Sultan's Minister of War are approaching Tangier, and the local officials, who have hitherto walked in awe of Raisuli, are recovering their spirits and preparing a reception. Meanwhile the Diplomatic Body have formally demanded the removal of Raisuli, since it is clear that his views on order are not those of the civilised world, and the re-establishment of the authority of the Basha in Tangier. The request, which is unanimous, shows that the policy of Europe is to rehabilitate the Shereefian authority, and to work, if possible, through existing institutions. If the Sultan is too weak to do what he obviously wishes done, then European assistance is at hand.