gbt Court.
THE Queen and Prince Albert have remained at Buckingham Palace during the week.
On Tuesday, her Majesty held a Court, for the reception of the con- gratulatory addresses from the Houses of Parliament. The Queen was on the throne, Prince Albert on her left, the Dutchess of Sutherland and the Dutchess of Bedford on the right. The chief Officers of State and of the Household were in attendance. About sixty Peers were present; including the Dukes of Cambridge, Norfolk, Somerset, Devonshire, and Sutherland, the Marquises of Westminster, Huntley, Londonderry, Bute, and Northampton ; the Earls of Aberdeen, Jersey, Ripon, Wilton, Eldon, and Cardigan, Lords Ashburton, Monteagle, and Cowley ; the Archbishop of' Canterbury, the Bishops of London, Rochester, Exeter, and Lichfield. The Lord Chancellor read the address; the Queen gra- ciously replied; and the Peers withdrew. Then the Commons were introduced. We notice in the list of names, those of Lord Lincoln, Lord Mahon, Lord Stanley, Lord Ossulston, Lord Morpeth, Sir Robert Peel, Sir James Graham, Sir Henry Parnell, Sir Edward Knatchbull, Messrs. Macaulay, Goulburn, Sheil, Francis Baring, Fox Maule, Disraeli, Muntz, Hume, and O'Connell. The Speaker read the ad- dress; and the Queen replied, in the same gracious tone as to the Lords, Prince Albert received the entire Corps Diplomatique, and a deputa- tion of the Lords with their congratulatory message. The first Levee of the season was held on Wednesday, at St. James's Palace. Prince Albert was present, attended by the gentlemen of his Household—Viscount Boringdon, Sir George Anson, Colonel Wyllie, and Mr. Seymour. The company was very numerous. Many addresses of congratulation were presented to the Queen on her marriage. Prince Albert stood at the Queen's side during the ceremony. From the long
list of persons at the Levee, we extract a few IlitIlleS,—the Dukes of Devonshire and St. Albans, Marquises of Winchester and Anglesey,
Earls of Liverpool, Powis, Chesterfield, and Shaftesbury, Viscounts Strangford and Howiek, Lords Kinnaird, lie Ros, Nugent, Colborne, and Langdale, Sir Robert Peel, Messrs. Crofter, Dawson, Denman, O'Connell, Wakefield, Sehoiefield, Greg, Hutton, Ashton Yates, Hawes, Brotherton, and Baring Wall. The presentations were very numerous; comprising gentlemen of all ranks, professions, and parties—the pre- ponderance of the military being very decided. The Queen and Prince Albert have had small dinner-parties at Buckingham Palace. Among the guests, were the Duke of Saxe-Coburg
and Prince Ernest, Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston and his with the Dowager Countess Cowper, Lord Errol!, Lady Ida Hay, the Marquis and Marchioness of Nornemby, Lord Alfred Paget, and Mr. William Cowper.
'Yesterday the Queen Dowager gave a state dinner at Marlborottah Rouse to the Queen, Prince Albert, and a distinguished party. It is announced that the Queen will visit Drury Lane Theatre, in state, on Wednesday next, and Covent Garden Theatre ou the follow- ing Friday.