The Court of Queen's Bench, on trio': an action brought
by Viscount Beresford to recove, thee:et:es from the proprietors of time Mutating Cironicle for a libel en Lie Lordships private cha- racter. The libel charged Lord Beresford with harshness and cruelty in ejecting truants to,n one of Ids Irieh c:,1; tr-. No evidence was called for the but- 'sir \Villiam his counsel, de- clared that there was nut one worn of truth in the i:efendant's state- ment. The defendants pee:tied a justifeenhet, that tlacuts in theat al publication were true; eeverei whoa-:;, le produced, who proved or swore to meny Of the facts .d.e..e in -eon o_lally that an old
woman was taken out of the house in nem 1 ol .e i in a dry ditch.
a v
It was alleged in ties lid that the peeties oters : this
was nut proved by the iIall.m a.mti. tn I -es failed
there, as in other eeseen S. . ni Detunim tliat the ver- dict must be for the pl.:intien e tho ■:, .-' of damages- 1 there could not
On titat subject ;h.... v.;
},cession should now lie in tiny 1.:.
be Li ..mould he fully u ourage..mould Mad tm to ttTerlek time
character of :motile,. 1.revcd to 1,c,
tme,s. For in-
true, u: 'a su,11 tides a :,:a1,1y, be held in
atanca. the puidb.ation ofid,
. 1, port of a ju- all the teurts to be yr: .,,•teti,
ahould he ac- (licit,: 1.! oteciiing, it : ',avers without quaitit,d. But nul,:his. - b... . was liule in
1,,.:;:a; prepared to ' h
The itt!i; '11 ,:h as to Inland was fair just, awl it - :1: ;t to be v., c But then the
as, whetter the as Of faets or not.
Verdict for the plaimiff .mages 100/.