22 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 6

Further proceedings having been taken against David Jones, the an.

fortunate Churchwarden of Llanelly, for non-payment of costs ias the Consistory Court of Carmarthen, in the proceedings brought against him by the Reverend Ebenezer Morris, the poor (Adman left his house in great distress on Saturday week, the bailiffs being in pursuit of him. When walking on the Swansea road, lie was taken suddenly ill, and carried to a private house, where he died on the Monday following. The chapel of the celebrated Dissenting preacher Dr. Raffles, in Great George Street, Liverpool, ayes completely burnt down on Wednes- day morning ; owing, it is supposed, to overheating the stoves. As the building contained much old timber, the fire made rapid progress, and it was with difficulty that the houses in the neighbourhood were saved, The chapel was insured for 4,000/.