22 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 6

The :wino curious particulars of an Htempt to 1'; ir

'It 1.5■I th'a Churchwardens of Man- chester for the ;.!: t 12,0007.) imposed by the Town-Onnell 1. -The.e! •

l'a)t, bath at tin 'warehouse of Pollard Street. 1Ve believe that . ciet vrliM no !-• opposition, and and titre.. ti el the bailiff and his , ,.,had t,; the n1111, the assistAnts

111 until the obta:lled lie nl••„la‘!.! warant, and de- .:•:,•11:•.•-r:. j,•:! ' . 1%; 1,1, assistants and ,•!' ties v.-hie!. hail four doors

w.,1 cisl, that only by

v fni: h the !- : ' i t. ioroh, r I. hands then In) 7., •l 1..1.‘lon,: and pap;N rr,,a) the room ; and

liaiiog don, ■.t! my Int !:-.1 through a

multi of ,"1:•••: ‘1, el, in the room, and the pump or the engine, (in !dill was • , cane..,) hciag worked with gr..•:t vigour, the :stied! place was: s; .! with irto ; and the poor bailiffs and police- men, after eutliirie: • ,1, °. r ‘,...tit,- leogili con,....11eil to make puck retreat. iic,1.•,,,,c1,1 that n cone gentleman (site -•,,, c,'r. 1,• • (1111W) rank' il:t1) the place I-, • •■ •,arZ,l`lt. The tlieritf's officer paid 11„,tI. Ire•. the premises; t'elt he laad it in but he w mildl not give it 'Thee hail hi the 1.1:..ee about three- quarters Or an they inn n- driven out lir the fir:-en"..ine; not before they v. ere To.m1� uo to their kio-e, in water. It.runthk eject..d, hoth the bailiffs and the poliet-:„;:ei it• v.:lei:red complaint t., Sir C11;111C,i SlIZISV; and the etecer the aid of the po1ic, to r,iivitate hito iu possession of the lo.ehlises, of whiell he had been in and Irmo eddcli Inc bad been Innreitnly tjectel. Sir ('harks Shaw (after haring ohtaioed Isgal advice, vie she- 1..tao(1,) 41,.an•ct,?nt the Chid .....tiperhil....ndent, Mr. s!,*:'n, to pro- irdlt the toir.thi to the mill, taking with hint forty-nye of the police, and All liellc,aor. A ladder was then inseams-a, and used as sort of 110t,•111.••!*•1;11: and with this an entrance we: effected by tornang open the 1.....!e-dnenr. 1■'itiln, they were outside, and he!),', this entrance was ottaincd, tie. rotice were hy miasiles thrown over the outer walls of the premises. eon-dstisi hi! i rickhats, stones, and other heavy articles, The 'lodge-door Lavin.:- 1,too, Fnerd III, we about SIN o'clock, the police arid !adrift's found tiele,e'e.i.s turner t.pp, edi by anoth,.ir door, and a wall a brick and a half thick, ti.rioo,di whiith, hot's ever, they soon effected a breach. Tiirough .014 breach they nv...r.• the fire-engine, the water from was thlow tin sae!, i)nt, a - to kiolch Mr. Sin igh flown twice, and the p. , , r,. r, iho tuaid 1.:■• it. After a short time, tinciv., '4, a r:, 1, .,1 po, c•-•-imi of the br ,o,.11, which they

' lot that. with such

, 1 ii.tt 1.1J1,1 it 1'1.1 11.11 C011111 ■,1 ;j:n. h/10,:t: 0 the 1,111H1) or tile emille to umoping, It-, 1 ,rick, hack r.• eniered Chi? lower Or tile l.”. 1 '• t■1 the or the yard. Alr. que-ti',:,•-,', • l,t1. tr11., ,,ge that lie be-

longed to af,,Wgf a :,l proceeded to .• . kes ilitcsipt was made to eject

th.c. it "11., lam were th al kept at bay .r.,tss,e, the inside, and then the .•. Li' tlius terminated much Hs:mm.1.s. ttse. - 1 z■pprolwIld at first. The Sheriff's officer t! • t t ei,ty-fi,.• 11.•• police night remain to protect him :led his hat Mr. .mini. that 1•1•111•61.g MI', 1:114(.111:r Weald not allow 01e111 It, i.n. ,0111,1 have sic nu a and a NNgcnntg Tins was accordMely 811111,2 j n.nd the men reniaihe.1 in the ruin the, whole of the night, without further molestation." " earn.:.; (2:..■• I n• at the wardioa-.; remained in I.e., atssistinds (t!vi• i.,; and thr,e


thi tt!

it. ihr, t'

This affair arose, we presume, out of the question of the validity of the Manchester charter of incorporation.