• At the commencement of the week the English Funds showed symptoms of de- cline; the brokers for the Scotch Banks havmg effected two or three small sales; and as these gentlemen generally operate extensively, such bargains were re- garded as only the yrecursors of some of greater extent. The sales have not, however, been continued; and an upward Impulse has been given to the market by the purchase of about 300,000/. by the Chancery broker. The closing prices of this afternoon are about per cent above the lowest prices of the week. -Bank and India Stock have both been steady; the former being today quoted 212 and 2124, and the latter having yesterday been done at 282 and 284. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is the same, viz. 54s. to 56s. premium. Money is abundant -for commercial purposes, though in demand upon the security of Railway Shares. Several failures have occurred in the wine-trade, and more than one house of considerable standing has been obliged to yield to the necessities of the time. Their difficulties appear to have arisen from the great depreciation that within these few years has occurred in the lower classes of wines, of which there is always a large stock on hand, and which was chiefly taken by the country-trade: this branch of business has decreased materially of late, and hence some of the large holders of these inferior stocks have been compelled to suspend payment. In the Foreign Market, the Stock business has been more animated than usual. Spanish Bonds of both descriptions have been depressed by the occurrence of some speculative sales, and prices fell about 4 per cent. Since that, several influential purchases have given a tone to the market; and prices having recovered, have for the last two days been steady at the advance. Portuguese Bonds were depressed; hut on the arrival of the last mail the market improved, and prices are about 1 per cent higher than last week. Mexican Bonds are about 4 per cent lower, in the absence of farther intelligence from Mexico. The Northern European Bonds are without material change. Russian Five per Cents are now done at 120; and the Bonds of the new Belgian Two-and-a-half per Cent Loan at 604; the latter potation being an improvement of 4 per cent upon recent prices. The Dutch Govenunent are proceeding in the course of redeeming the Five per Cent Stock;
very little of i which is now n existence, while from time to time lists of the Bonds
• drawn for conversion continue to appear. Some few transactions have occurred inahe St. Domingo Loan at * per cent prem.; but nothing has occurred in this stock for the last two or three days. The usual effect of a report from the Board of Trade has been experienced by several new Railway schemes during the week: among them the Caledonian fell nearly U. per share, and has never since reached the quotation from which the shares felL The business in the newer varieties has been comparatively unimportant, and prices are not generally so high as they-were-last week. The shares of the London and York line have been well supported, and there is a very prevalent opinion that the Board of Trade will report in favour of this line. Birmingham Stock and the Shares of the various lines connected with the London and Birmingham Railway, are less in demand,
Among others, the shares of the Manchester and Birmingham, add were in demand between 66 and 67 per share, are today rite° to 62. eastern have also shown symptoms of decline, and are bout week ; and generally the late furious demand for Railway Sharieeliali moderatter` The French lines, however, are in great request; and though 1 -
-y .
gent regulations of the French Government with regard to
has checked the demand for the new and embryo shares, th the old completed lines are in great demand, in consequence of the i entent in Patio-- occasioned by the continually increasing revenue of almost every qe-of .04 yelorkb ing lines. SATURDAY, F*X..,. 1 AT.c7,0t$ f
The English Funds are firmer, without the occurrence of any basineb-M-lin
ance. Prices in the Foreign Market are also nearly the same. The Railway Shares are not quite so much in demand as yesterday, a disposition to sell being more general than one to purchase. The French Shares must be however ex- cepted,for the finished lines, for which there is considerable inquiry at yesterdays prices; but the newer lines are unchanged. The following list of bargains will show that the business has not been so extensive as usual: Birmingham and Gloucester, 1304; Bristol and Gloucester, 564; Caledonian, 73-4; Chumet Valley, 84; Dublin and Galway, 344; Eastern Counties, 17; ; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 604; Ditto, New Quarter Shares, 5; Great Southern and Western (Ireland,) 414 124; Great Western, 1744; Brighton, 58; South- western, New Shares,124; London and York, 74 63; Manchester and Birmingham, 60 61; Newcastle and Berwick, 15; Norwich and Brandon,161; Rugby, Worces- ter, and Trine, 34; Shrewsbury, Dudley, and Wolverhampton, 4-3; South-eastern and Dover, 394 404; Ditto, New Shares, No. 3, 84; Staines and Richmond, 11; South Wales, 44; Trent Valley, 144; York and North Midland, Scarborough Branch, 404; Ditto and Selby, Extension, 124; Boulogne and Amiens, 54 4; Great North of France, 54.
A large purchase by the Chancery broker for the early part of next week, and another of a speculative kind for the next Account by a leading broker, have given great firmness to the English Funds- and there are buyers of Consols both for Money and Account at 1004. A large purchase of Exchequer Bills has caused an improvement of 8s. per cent in these Securities; which have been done as high as 69s., and close at 67s. to 69s. Bank Stock is quoted at 213, and India at 283; both improved prices. The Foreign Market is without material change.
The transactions in Railway Sham have been less important than usual, and prices have not fluctuated materially during the day. We have to notice the following bargains in addition to those given in the morning: Birmingham and Gloucester, 131; Ditto, New, 32; Ditto' Half-shares, 31; Bristol and Exeter, 824; Ditto, New, 7; Chester and Holyhead, 8; Churnet Valley, 84 74; Direct North- ern, 2 14; Eastern Counties, 174'; Hull and Selby, Half-shares, 10; Lancaster and Carlisle, 30: Blackwall, 71 A ; 13righton, 584 574; South-western, 79; London and York, 64 74; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 95; Newcastle and Berwick, 144; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. I, 154; Ditto, No. 2, 94; Trent Valley, 194; Strasburg and Basle, 124; Orleans and Bordeaux, 61; Paris and Strasburg, 234; Orleans and Vierzon, 14 14; Great Northern of France, 54.
3 per Cent Consols ... • .... 100* 4 Columbian ex Venezuela... 131 14+ Ditto for Account 1001 1 Danish 3 per Cents 89 91 3 per Cent Reduced 1001 .: Dutch 24 per Cents 621 3*
3+ per Cents 1041 1 Ditto 5 per Cents 99 1 Long Annuities 12 1-16 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 984 1 Bank Stock 212* 13* Mexican 5 per Cents 351 I
Exchequer Bills prem. 67 9 Ditto Deferred 161 India'Stock prem. 282 4 Portuguese New 5p. Cts.1841 59 60 Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 90 Russian 5 per Cents 119 20
Belgian 44 per Cents 101 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 281 Cldlian 6 per Cents too 2 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 401 1