We have much pleasure in being able to assure our
readers, that by advices which we have received from our Alexandrian correspondents, of the 27th ultimo, the Paths has arranged with Mr. Galloway, the London engineer' for carrying ont forthwith the ex.ecution of his long projected railroad from Cairo to Suez.—„Iforn- mg Herald.
Captain Liott, the Superintendent-General of the Royal Mail Company, and Mr. MGeachy, Crown Surveyor of this island, have proceeded to Panama, for the
=it is tunderstood, of instituting a thorou,gh survey of the celebrated of that name; in order to test the practicability, or otherwise ascertain the best mode, of opening up a line of communication between the two oceans; in furtherance, it is more than probable, of the desired extension of the Company's operations, by means of this route, to the populous and rapidly increasing colonies of Australia, New Zealand, &c.—Jamaica Times, Jan. 23.