22 FEBRUARY 1873, Page 3

Mr. Bernard, we perceive, in a preface to his new

edition of 4' Decisions on the Irish Church Act," estimates the sum which will remain at the disposal of Parliament out of the Irish Church property-, after all liabilities have been discharged, at about £5,000,000. There is a tendency already to nibble at this sum for education, and we do hope before it is wasted some large assignment will be made for the higher education of girls. Irishwomen are just as badly treated in this matter as English- women,—that is, they never get sixpence that can be kept from them. An institution like Girton College has the greatest diffi- culty in scraping together funds for a few scholarships, while in Ireland, where we are just giving £20,000 a year to attract boy graduates, we refuse girl graduates a penny. What is the use of spreading enlightenment among only half the community?