Peace by Conference We publish on our League of Nations
page t.his week an article illustrating the problem of the organization of peace as reflected in the prism of the COntinental Mind. It is our View—and the course of the NaVal Con- ference affordS striking confirmation—that So 16iig as statecraft is concentrated 'on stiffening the " Sanctions " element of the League Covenant, strategical and technical considerations are bound to prevail. These will make progress towards —disarmament virtually • impossible, or possible only within the limits imposed by financial resources. The Prime Minister and Mr. Hoover haire indkated the better way, and it' Was supposed by those of us who had thought about the matter that the Kellogg Pact provided the opportimity to make a fresh start with the present Conference. That the League represents primarily an effort to seek peace= and ensue it—by conference, has been needlessly obscured by the glosses of the jurists, and we welconk letters• in the Times from Mr. Charles Manning (the new ProfesSor of International Relations at London University) and Mr. Philip Kerr, insisting that publiC opinion. thrOngli the Press must express' itself' more' clearly on-the true purpose of the League.
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