General Knowledge Questions
Oca, weekly prize of One guinea',fOr the best thirteen QnestioliS submitted is aVraided this week so MisO G. I Searight,' Pembroke Road, Cliftrin, for the following
Questions on Naval Disarmament
1. Who said : " In the edifice of peace which' s%) are seeking to build one of the most important columns is agreement between"! maritime nations on the limitation of-naval strength and a:reduction : to a point consistent with national security " ?
2. What nations participated in : (a) The Washington Conferenco„ 1921 ? (8) The Coolidge Conference, Geneva. 1927 ? - -
3. What classes of ships were limited at. Washington?
4. In what ratio were these allotted to the nations ? .
5. What was the original date fixed for the Conference oil Replacement of Capital Ships ?
- 8. What-is the life of a battleship before replacement ? 7. Who said : " On the assumption that war between tei has boon banished . . ." ?
. 8. What countries have sent delegates to the present Conference ?
9. Into what categories do the. British divide navies ? 10. !What is the meaning of : (a) " Global" tonnage ? " Yardstick " 11, Which nations would prefer limitation by : tonnage ? (6).Categories ?
' 12; 'Mat " The Poor man's battleship " 13. What is " The pocket battleship " I ..._Ail"Ff-71#1:43_c:191T4 01.1 Page 294,.
(8) Global