22 FEBRUARY 1992, Page 26

Capitalist conspiracy

Sir: While it may be true, as asserted by Mr R.C. Shaw (Letters, 2 February) that Laski was 'pushed to an early death by the strain of a libel action', it should be remembered that, though he was cross-examined to destruction (by my grandfather, Patrick Hastings), he himself had chosen to bring the action against a small provincial news- paper.

I also remember Laski's lectures after the war, and, although they were much applauded by a faithful claque at the LSE, I think that if Mr Shaw were to re-read some of these now, he would have to admit that Laski remained convinced, to the end, that capitalism was a wicked conspiracy des- tined to be overthrown, in the near future, probably by violence, by progressive work- ers' movements. He might agree, on reflec- tion, that, if not boring, such views are doc- trinaire.

Patrick Marlowe

66 South Street, Chichester, West Sussex