The French Plays are likely to be unusually attractive this
season, judging from the prospectus put forth by the entrepreneur, Mr. MiTcaum.; whose management of the Opera Buffa was such as to en- title him to the confidence of subscribers in the fulfilment of his pro- mises on this occasion. He has taken the St. James's Theatre, re- christened TIddtre Francais; which is expected to open on the 7th of February, wish PERLET in Le Bourgeois Gentillwnime and L'Ambassa- deur. We shall also have the opportunity, and a last one it is said, of seeing this -inimitable comedian in other comedies of MOLIERE: Le Malade Imaginaire, L'Avare, and Le Tartuffe, are announced to be "produced with the greatest care and attention." BOUFFE, the original Monsieur Jacques and Le Gamin de Paris, will also appear in MoLLERE ; and the repertoire of M. CARTIGNY, of the Theatre Francais in Paris, includes Les Precieuses Ridicules as well as Les Fourberies de Scapin. MOLIERE'S comedies will therefore be played in a very different style from that of the farcical representations which followed the performances of RACHEL last season. The ladies are of less brilliant talent ; though Mademoiselle PLESSY is excellent in sentimental parts, and the fame of Mademoiselle Di...razEr rests upon something more than her consum- mate effronterie of manner : Mademoiselle FORGEOT, the directrice, has also claims to notice as an actress. The subscription will be for forty representations, on Mondays and Fridays, the Wednesday nights' per- formances not being included ; but subscribers will have the option of exchanging their admissions to Wednesday when they please.