The account of the Niger Expedition is ,seluiy cast up.
The climate has performed its fatal office, and utterly routed the whole force. The three vessels left the river one by one, each more laden with disease ; and the last bore with it the wrecks of the "model farm." Among the deaths is that of one of the leaders, Captain BIRD ALLEN. Those brave men have unhappily been the medium of testing the murderous folly that sent them there. And when the survivors return, what will be said? shall they be accused of mismanagement, of not using sufficient zeal or shrewdness in cir- cumventing the African miasmata ? or will it be confessed, that the whole scheme was, from the first, a reckless absurdity ? With what face can such a confession be made ? with what reason can it be withheld ? Lord JOBB Russaix, who procured the money from the House of Commons will have to tell; and Sir ROBERT Palm, who connived at the scheme, may help him.