22 JANUARY 1848, Page 7


On the 12th January, at Denston Hall, Suffolk, the Lady Keane, of a daughter.

On the 13th, at the Vicarage, Morthner,the Wife of the Rev. H. J. C. Harper. of a son. On the 15th, at the Parsonage, 'Upton St. Leonard's, near Gloucester, the Wife of tha Rev. J. Clements, of a son.

On the 16th, at Badger Rectory, Salop, the Wife of the Rev. T. F. Boddington, Of It son.

On the 16th, at Dittisham, the Lady Henry Kerr, of a daughter.

On the 171h, the Lady of F. Fowell Buxton, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 25th, in Bryanston Square, the Wife of Edward Dawson Esq., of Wbattain Hall, Leicestershire, of a son.


On the 13th January, at St. Stephen's Church. Norwich, the Rev. Joseph F. Poi% M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Vicar of Stotfold, Beds, to Mary Janes eldest daughter of Samuel Bignold, Esq., of Norwich. On the 19th, at the Catholic Chapel, .Rainhill, the Hon. Gilbert Stapleton, of the Grove, Richmond, Yorkshire, brother of the Lord Beaumont, to Mary, Widow of the late William Gerard, Esq., and only child of Bartholomew Bretherton, Esq., of Rainhill and Bitten, Lancashire.


On the 13th August, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mrs. Macleay, the Wife or Alexander Maeleay, Esq., F.R.S., he. On the 14th December, at Florence, Sir James AnneFley, late President of the Medi- cal Board at Madras.

On the 9th January, at Hanover, Miss Carolina Lucretia Herschel, sister of the late Sir William Herschel, and Honorary Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London.

On the 12th, at Darnaway Castle, the Earl of Moray ; in his 77th year.

On the 12111, in Duncan Street, Edinburgh, Miss Dorothea Brown ; in her 90th year. On the 14th, Elizabeth, Relict of the late Thomas Garnhatn, Esq., of Folsbam Hall, Suffolk; in her 94th year. On the 14th, at Wlsbeach, Cambridgeshire, Spelman Swains% Esq.. Rear-Admiraled her Majesty's Navy, and Chief Bailiff for the Isle of Ely ; in his 80th year.

On the 14th, John W. Wright, Esq., Secretary of the Society of Watercolour Painter& Pall Mall East ; in his 45th year.

On the 14th, at Hungerfurd, Berkshire, Mrs. Margaret Hall ; in her 90th year. On the 15111. in Cadogau Place, Elizabeth, Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Verner, and only sister of the Dowager Marchioness of Donegal. On the 15th, In Upper Grosvenor Square, Mrs. Dawson, Wife of the Right Hon. George R. Dawson, daughter of the late and sister of the present Sir Robert Peel, Bart- On the 15th, at Southwell, Notts, Colonel Francis Sherlock, K.H., late of the Fourth Royal Irish Dragoon Guards ; In his 7Ist year.

On the 16th, at Hertford, Finnetta, Relict of the late Hon. Baron Robert Diundale, of Caulfield Place, Herts ; in her 86th year.

On the 17th, at Fowls Castle, the Right Honourable Edward Herbert, Earl of Fowls, K.G.; in his 63d year.

On the 17th, in Eaton Square, the Lady Augusta Emily Julia Fielding, second daughter of the Earl of Denbigh; In her 7.3d year. On the 17th, In Upper Seymour Street, Connaught Square. Henry Maddlson Combe, the only child of Sir Robert and Lady Hereford; in WS 5th year.

On the 17111, at Bonchurch, in the Isle of Wight, the Rev. William Adams, M.A.. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, and second son of Mr. Sergeant Adams.

On the 18th, in Lansdowne Terrace, Cheltenham, Lady Hayes, Widow of the late sir John M. Hayes, Hart.; In her 86th year.

On the 19th, at Asks, Yorkshire, Maria Lady Williamson, Relict or the late, and mother of the present, Sir iledworth Williamson, Bart., of Whltburn; in her 82d year.