The intelligence in the Paris papers of yesterday is of
a peculiarly domestic character. The most striking fact is the election of the Opposition candidate at Lyons, M. De Mortimart, by a majority of more than a hundred over his Minis- terial opponent. The weather had become extremely cold in Paris, and particularly in the South eastern department of France. The Rhine was partially frozen.
A naval and military expedition under General Serrano took possession of the Melilla Islands on the 6th instant, in the name of Queen Isabella of Spain. The islands, three in number, and of small extent, lie off the coast of Morocco. They had been coded to Spain by the Emperor hluley Abd-er-Rahman.
The Semaphore of Marseilles publishes a letter from Naples of the 11th instant, which contains the following—" Sanguinary disorders took place at Messina on the 8th. The details have not yet reached us, but it is known that the gen- darmerie and a part of the Farrison fraternized with the Progressists. Cries of 'The Constitution for ever! 'Long live Pius the Ninth I' have been heard at Messina. There have been some persons killed."
Speaking of the warlike movement in Austria, a writer in the Prussian State Gazette says—" The poor idiotic Emperor has proclaimed, in an autograph letter, that the present state of the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom may be considered re- volutionary, and the authorities are accordingly enjoined to take measures for the restoration of order and tranquillity." The present expenditure in the purchase of horses is said to amount to 1,500,000 florins, (about 160,000I.) The object in the first instance is to procure from 10,000 to 12,000 remounts.
Letters from Copenhagen, of the lath instant, report that the ring of Denmark was better: the fears of his family were once more quieted.