Considerable excitement has this week been exhibited in the English Stock Market, combined with depressed prices and close attention on the part of the operators. The chief topic of conversation has again been directed to the probable movements of the Bank of England in the arrangement of the rate of discount ; and in connexion with it, the fluctuations of the different se- curities on the Paris Bourse have been eagerly watched, as it was in conse- quence of the large speculations on the French market that the value of money was in the first instance disturbed ; accommodation from the Bank of France not being obtainable under 3 per cent, whilst here up to a recent period it could be procured easily at 2: whence the drain on our market, and the call for the Bank interference. Recent accounts from Vienna also prove the avidity with which English money would have been sought after on the Continent. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 99/ had up to last even- ing fallen about 1. The settlement Of the Account took place on Tuesday,. and caused no particular change in price or demand for money. The rate upon Government Seeurities varied between 1 and 21 per cent. They closed heavily on Wednesday at 99# f, owing to large salts of Money Stock, and the receipt of telegraphic accounts from the Paris Bourse announcing a de- cline of nearly 2 per cent in French Rentes and about 15 per cent on the average in Railway Shares. Money had been worth about 2# upon good bills until Wednesday, when it rose to 24. The applications at the Bank are understood up to that time t,o have been numerous, and a large amount of foreign paper refused. The Funds rallied yesterday morning, in ex- pectation that no change would be made that day in the Bank rate of dis- count: this, however, proved illusory, and when it transpired that the rate had been raised to 3 per cent, Consols fell I, closing at 99k. Today they have varied between 99k and 991 11, closing at the latter. Exchequer Bills have fallen 5s. this week ; proving that money is more in demand. Bank Stock is 1 better. India Stock has not altered.
Foreign Stocks have been very heavy in connexion with the English Funds, and the sales rather considerable. The following is the extent to whichSecurities have declined—Spanish Three per Cents, Dutch Two-and- a-half and Four per Cents, Russian Five per Cents, 8ardinian and Peru- vian, 1; Spanish Deferred, 1; Portuguese Four per Cents, Turkish and
Swedish Serif', 4-; Mexican, 4. The decline in Buenos Ayres has been 7, closing this afternoon at 62 7. That fall has been the effect of the nefrs brought by the mail steam-ship Tay : civil war in the Argentine provinces bad recommenced, and Urquiza had endeavoured to get up a crusade against those who resisted his power.
The Australian Agricultural Shares have been fluctuating; on Monday they were 230 40; rallied on Tuesday to 259, owing to favourable accounts from Australia ; closed yesterday 230 40; and are now 245 255.
The Railway Market, influenced chiefly by sympathy with other securi- ties, has been depressed; partly also from reports that the forthcoming divi- dends will not prove favourable. A slight rally occasionally occurred, which was not maintained, particularly when the French descriptions became heavy. Yesterday at the conclusion of the Bank meeting, it experienced its greatest decline. At the close of business, the decrease in some of the lead- ing Shares, compared with Saturday last, had been to the following extent- Great Northern, 31. 108.; North British, 31.; Lancashire and 'Yorkshire, London and South-western, and York and North Midland, 2/. 108.; 'East Lancashire, Great Western, and London and North-western, 21.; Caledonian, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, U. 10s. : Midland, 1/. 5s.; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, and South-eastern, 1/. French Shares have been un- favourably affected by the decline in Paris : the following was the extent of the depression up to last evening-Northern of France, 3/. 108.; Paris and Lyons, 31. 58.; Paris and Orleans, Paris and Rouen, and Paris and Stras- bourg, 3/. ; Rouen and Havre, 2/. 108.; Western of France, 1/. 10s. ; Grand Junction of France, 1/. The English and Foreign descriptions are a little better today, owing to the improvement in Consols.
In the English Stock Market, the Funds are higher this morning ; Con- sols for Money 994 1, for Account 991 f. An improvement in the French Securities has'prevented an effect which might otherwise have been produced by the farther large decrease in the bullion-return by the Bank of England. In Foreign Stocks, there is no alteration except in Dutch Four per Cents, which are f higher, being 961 74-. Buenos Ayres continues heavy at 62 7. Railway Stocks are rather better ; and the following bargains have taken place-Caledonian, 664-; Great Western, 904-; London and North-western, 1214; Midland, 784.
Danish 3 per Cents utch 24 per Cents Dutch 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cent Austrian Scrip 84 6 65 6
r2.1 73I 101 3 39 40 118 20 103 4 46 7 224- i 92 3
7 9
SATURDAY Two o'Ctocx.
In the English Market Consols, after being f lower, leave off the same as in the morning-994 1 for Money and 991 1 for Account. Exchequer Bills have improved ls. ; and Bank Stock is I better ; it is now 226 7. In Fo- reign Stocks no alteration has occurred. The bargains in Australian Agri- cultural Shares have been at 252, 255, and 242. In Railways there has been a demand for both English and Foreign de- scriptions, with an improvement. London and North-western have risen 11., and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. 108. The following are the latest bargains-Aberdeen, 29; Ambergate, 'Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 61; Caledonian, 66; Chester and Holyhead, 23; Eastern Counties, 124 ; Eastern Union, B. and C., 71; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 104; Great Western, 904-; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 80; Ditto Fifths, 114; London and Blackwell, 84-; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1054-; London and North-western, 1214-; Ditto Fifths, 154-; London and South- western, 90; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 304-; Midland, 781 ; North British, 36 ; South-eastern, 804; South Wales, 384; Vale of Neal, 144-; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 69/ ; Ditto Extension, 124-; York and North Midland, 551 ; Caledonian, 1064- ; Chester and Holyhead Guaranteed 5f per Cent, 19; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 1, 11 premium; Ditto 5 per Cent, No. 2, 11 premium ; Ditto New 6 per Cent Stock, 144; Great Western, fixed 41 per Cent, 1084; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 151; South Devon, 161. Foreign-East Indian, 254; Namur and Liege,'8; Northern of France, 33; Paris and Lyons, 234; Paris and Orleans, 39; Paris and Rouen, 384-; Paris and Strasbourg, 304; Rouen and Havre, 194-; Sambre and Meuse, 94; West Flanders, 5. Mines- General, 16k; United Mexican, 74; West Mariposa, 2. Joint-Stock Banks -Australasian, 81; Colonial 164; Union of Australia, 731. Miscellaneous -Peninsular and Oriental Steam,',.88.
. 994 1 9 Ditto for Account
3 Per Cent Reduced 100
3 per Cent Consols 31 per Cents Long Annuities 6 7-16 4 Bank Stock 226 7 Exchequer Bills ... 58 61 India Stock 270 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Chilian 6 per Cents 106 8 Danish 5 per Cents 106 8