The Senatorial delegates of the Seine belonging to the Radical
party have accepted a programme which, as they are French Radicals, ought to be very horrible, but is, except as to the Army, identical with that of all English Radicals who happen also to be Dissenters. They propose the abolition of the state • of siege, liberty of meeting and association, gratuitous, compulsory, and secular education ; obligatory military service, without privileges of any kind ; election of Mayors by the municipalities ; revision of any taxation calculated to depress industry, and the separation of Church and State. That is the present programme of men whose success at the elections seems to French Conservatives to justify measures of repression, and even a military coup d'etat. Grant that M. Pichat and his friends have other measures in reserve, and still their moderation shows that they defer to a public opinion which they feel to be irresistible, and which, therefore, needs no support from bayonets.