22 JANUARY 1898, Page 26

REPRINTS AND NEW EDITIONS.—Aucassin and Nicolette : an Old French

Love-Story. Translated by Francis W. Bourdillon, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—In the issue of "George Meredith's Novels" (Constable and Co.), Sandra Belloni, originally Emilia in .England.—The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole. By Albert Smith. With Illustrations by John Leech, and Bio- graphical Sketch of the Author by Edmund Yates. (Downey and Co.)—Adam Johnstone's Son. By Marion Crawford. (Macmillan and Co )_The Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century, by Robert Routledge (George Routledge and Sons), has reached its twelfth edition, and has now been revised and partly re- written, with additions and appendix. In view of the fact that a very short time has passed since the appearance of the eleventh edition (this was published in 1896, the tenth bearing the date of 1890), the new matter has been for the most part given in the appendix. The chief novelties come under the heads of im- provements in naval and military armaments (rifles, for instance, and torpedoes), steamboats and inclined railroads (a railway in the Catskill Mountains makes the ascent of 1 ft. in 4-25), the Röntgen rays, and the Linotype printing process.—English Sanitary Institutions. By Sir John Simon, K.C.B. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—A Manual of Ethics. By John S. Mackenzie. (W. B. Clive.)—A third edition, revised, enlarged, and in part re- written, of a volume in the "University Tutorial Series."—The Supernatural in Nature. By Joseph William Reynolds, M.A. (Longmans and Co.)—History of South Africa under the Adminis- tration of the Dutch Bast India Company (1652-1798). 2 vols. By George McCall Theal, LL.D. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)

—Modern Painters : Vol. IV., Of Mountain Beauty. By John Ruskin, LL.D. (G. Allen.)