(To TER EDITOR op TEA "SPECTATOR.") Sim,—In reading some recent
copies of your paper I noted a letter from an American living in Philadelphia regarding the humiliating course pursued by the United States Government in connexion with the European War, and it occurred to me that some of the recent letters in the New York Tribune might be of interest to you. I am therefore enclosing four letters from that paper which you may care to reprint in whole or in part. In my opinion, Mr. Joseph H. Choate is entirely correct in stating that ninety per cent. of the people of the United States eagerly desire the victory of the Entente Allies, and thousands of Americans are ashamed of the pusillanimous course followed by President Wilson.—I am, Sir, &c., RICHARD M. Hints. 59 Liberty Street, New York, January 6th.
[The batch of cuttings sent us amply bears out our corre- spondent's contention.—En. Spectator.]