The Associated Press of America has published the chief contents
of the correspondence seized at Falmouth on Captain von Papen, the German Military Attache at Washington, who had been given a safe-conduct to Germany. His cheque-book shows that payments were made to men charged with the destruction of American munition factories and bridges. One payment was to Kiipferle, the German spy who committed suicide in an English prison. Several entries show payments by Count Bernstorff to Captain von Papen on account of the " War Intelligence Office." Captain von Papen paid £140 to Horn, the man who was convicted of blowing up the Maine bridge. The day before this cheque was written the Embassy had paid £400 into von Pagan's account. Another entry proves that a fortnight before the Seattle explosion of May 30th, 1915, von Papen sent £100 to the German Consulate at Seattle.