22 JANUARY 1921, Page 24

NEW MArs.—Mcssrs. Stanford have published an excellent Library Map of

Africa (45s.) in four sheets, on a scale of 94 miles to an inch. It incorporates the results of the Treaty of Versailles and subsequent agreements between tho Allies, and it is printed in bold colours, so that the present distribution of African territories is clearly shown. The vastness of the French African Empire is impressive, and the geographical details of the Sahara and Guinea are given with greater, fullness than in any other British map that we know.—Messrs. W. and A. K. Johnston send five sheets of the new survey of the Gold Coast, on a scale of 1 to 125,000, or about two miles to an inch. It is skilfully produced and contains much new detail ; the many blank spaces in the interior are presumably forest. One sheet contains Accra and the neighbourhood.