22 JANUARY 1927, Page 14


It happens that two of the most ardent land reformers in our community have just found, and' told us about, recent discoveries of places where their ideals are in being. Sir Horace Plunkett's is in South Africa. - Mr. Christopher. Tumors in Czeeho-Slovakia. Now Mr. Tumor on his most spaoiou& estates in Lincolnshire has been wrestling, • both practically and theoretically, with farming-and estate -problems for very many years ; and at last after several failures discovered the formula in which the practical and ideal met. But at the end, with this success achieved, he has come to the belief that the essence of success is found where Sir Horace Plunkett,, the earliest, most consistent and thorough of pioneers, has always

said it was found—in the co-operation of producers. His account of his "ideal community in the . village of Prikazy " makes the co-operator's mouth water. .