22 JANUARY 1927, Page 14


In New South Wales some years ago I found local farmers, who were continually experimenting with new grasses and fodder plants, much excited over a new plant, which they called underground clover." How many landowners or farmers in England are aware that we possess what is essen- tially an underground clover in England, which, according to One of our more scientific seedsmen, is "converting large tracts of unfertile land into permanent and valuable herbage ? " The wild white flower, which belongs especially to the Weald Of Kent, has a queer layering habit ; and is unquestionably the most permanent of all the clovers and among the richest. It is spreading slowly all over Britain ; and thanks to its habit of creeping and rooting is colonizing the country. The plant has had little bouts of popularity, and brought astonishing wealth to the earliest collectors of its seeds ; but the agricul- tural world is forgetful. One of the advantages of a plant of such a habit is that it may be steadily increased by very small sowings. It would be worth the while of any owner of a grass field to sow even an ounce or two annually.

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