22 JANUARY 1927, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Apropos of the delightful article by "E. M. N." in this week's issue of the Spectator on " Birds in the Frost," it is of interest—in view of the writer's reference to the cor- morant which Dr. Plot saw on St. Mary's steeple at Oxford 200 years ago—to note that in the Times of Friday last Mr. R. T. Gunther reports the arrival of a cormorant on the reaches above Folly Bridge, Oxford, during last week.

Although undoubtedly rare, the visits of cormorants to inland waters are not so infrequent as the reference to Dr. Plot might seem to suggest.—I am, Sir, &e., Holbrook, Balmer Road, New Barnet. J. FAULKNER.