This Week in London
Saturday, January 22nd, at 7 p.m.-IS THERE A NEED FOR ROCRATIC PATRONAGE OF TILE ARTS ? A Public Debate in the scum of the South London Art Gallery, Peckham Road, S.E. 5.
Sunday, January 23rd, at 3.30 p.m.-linunnsm. By Mr. S. N.
llik. At the Guildhouse, Eccleston Squares S.W. 1.
. .
Monday, January 24th, at 8 p.m.-EARLY STUART LYRICAL ETRY. A Lecture-recital by Miss Marjorie Gullan. In the ference Library, Town Hall, Gloucester Place, W. 1.
Tuesday, January 25th, at 5 p.m.-MODERN BELGIAN ART (in glish). By M. Emile Cammaerts. at King's College, Strand.
Wednesday, January 26th, at 3.15 p.m.-Tim HyrEn-SENsrrivE RIME. CHILD. By Sir Maurice Craig, M.D. Under the auspices the Parents' Association. At 65 Rutland Gate, S.W.
Thursday, January 27th, at 8 p.m.-Tnz MENACE or THE DRED WOMAN. Debate between Mr. G. K. Chesterton and y Rhondda. Chairman : Mr. Bernard Shaw. At Kingsway
Tickets from the Box Office.
HOTEL IMPERIAL.-At the Plaza, Lower Regent Street. One the best pictures seen for a long time, produced by European talent working in America. Pols Negri as a hotel chamber- 'd in Austria during the Russian invasion, and magnificent lag. But it is for its masterly screencraft and its beauty that film should especially be seen. Warmly recommended. Tan Wet.= DREAM.-At the Stoll, Kingsway. From Thursday Saturday a particularly good programme, Including this exquisite comedy with Nady Christians as an adorable, shy little ess newly wed to a gay .A.D.c. - There Is unusual. frealme4 Wit in this MA, Which should on no account be missed,