22 JANUARY 1927, Page 34


Speaking generally, the volume of Insurance business last year seems to have been thoroughly satisfactory and from a number of sununaries of results which have reached us, we quote the following :— The Royal Exchange Assurance state that during the year the new Life business, amounted to £1,998,700, being an increase of 126,507. The United Kingdom Provident Institution during the year completed net new Life business amounting to £3,254,216. This is an increase over the previous year of £112,247, and is the largest amount of new business in any year of the Institution's history. The net new business for the triennial period now ended was £8,947,820, compared with 15,787,499 for the preceding triennium. Moreover, the company now announces that although the valuation for the past triennium is not yet completed, an available surplus is indicated sufficient to justify the declaration of compound reversionary bonuses at rates which are 2s. per cent. above those declared three years ago. The new rates will give additions to participating policies calculated upon sums assured and existing bonuses at the following rates per cent. per annum. On whole-life policies in the Temperance section, £2. General section 37s., while new series of endow- ment assurances in the Temperance section, where the original term was twenty-tve years or more, will receive 39s. and other endowment assurances 37s.