22 JULY 1843, Page 9


STOCK EECHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The operations during the past week have been more than usually extensive : both purchases and sales of considerable amount have occurred; the Bank broker has acted largely both as a buyer and seller ; and some other large ope- rations have been effected. The continued investments by the public have tended to cause an improvement in the market whenever it has been depressed by the occurrence of speculative or other sales, and the result has been, that after a fluctuation of 1 per cent, the closing prices of today are nearly the same as they were last Saturday. The attention of the speculative portion of the public is beginning to be directed towards the produce of the coming harvest and the probability of a large importation of foreign corn occurring during the approaching autumn. The fluctuations of the corn market have now but little effect upon the prices of Stocks, as in the present state of the bullion in the Bank of England, a drain to the extent of 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 would not be sensibly felt. The premium upon Exchequer Bills, which has for some days been steady, experienced a slight decline today in consequence of the simultaneous occur- rence of several sales; but there was nothing in the character or extent of the individual operations to require remark. Bank Stock has improved, and is today marked at 1601 ; while India Stock is in good demand at an advance on our last quotations. We have to notice the occurrence of a bargain in Canada Debentures at 1091. The transactions in the Foreign Funds have been of an unimportant cha- racter. Some sales of Dutch Stock have occurred, principally by brokers who act for mercantile houses connected with Holland, whence the last advices note a decline in prices. The depressing effect of these sales was very trifling, and in a degree the market has recovered, the quotation today being within 3per coot of that last week. A demand has occurred for Brazilian Bonds, which have advanced from 1 to 2 per cent; the business transacted in them, however, has been unimportant. Colombian Bonds are also higher, being quoted today i per cent above the recent prices. We have also to notice an advance in Mexican Bonds ; but the improvement in both cases is untraceable to any cause, and has not led to any large transactions. Spanish Stock declined about tper cent in consequence of the unfavour- able intelligence from the Peninsula and the close proximity of the insurgents to Madrid; but it has recovered again, and is today nearly at our last quota- tions; the prevalent opinion now being, that the capital will be able to resist all the attacks made upon it. A contract entered into by Senor MENDIZA.- BAL with Senor Lopxz, by which an arrangement has been made to provide for the payment of the dividends upon the Three per Cents for the next five years, (although in the present state of affairs an apparent absurdity,) has not been without its effect upon the market, and it has helped to sustain the prices. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Railway Shares. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The English Funds are without any variation, with scarcely any business occurring. The only transactions in the Foreign Market have been in Mexi- can Bonds, which have advanced upon yesterday's prices, and after being done at 31 are now 301 1. The other Foreign Funds are the same. We cannot yet notice a single transaction in Railway or other Shares. SATURDAY, Two &GLOM.

There is no change in the prices of the Government Stocks : Exchequer Bills have improved slightly, those bearing interest at lid. per day, being 56 to 28 premium, and those at lid. 54 to 56. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been chiefly confined to Co- lombian and Mexican Stock, both of which have improved from 1 to 1 upon our morning's quotations. A. few bargains have taken place in Spanish Stock at rather lower prices.; Bargains have been effected in the following Shares. Banks—National Pro- vincial of England, 35 4}; Union of London, 10 1. Railways—Edinburgh and Glasgow, 501; Great Western, New, 67; Brighton, Loan-notes, 101; Birmingham, 215 216; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 54; Ditto, New, 371; New- castle and Darlington Junction, 13 ; Paris and Rouen, 261 I; South-eastern and Dover, Scrip, 241.

3 per Cent. Consols 931 4 Chilian Deferred 34 6

Ditto for Account 931 1 Columbian 6 ye. Ceats !4 I 3 per Cent Reduced 941 t Danish 3 per Gems 85 6 34 per Cent Ditto 1011 I Dutch 24 per Gents 53 * New 31 per Cents 1001 1 Ditto 5 per Cents 5004 Bank Stock 180 Mexican 5 per Cents........ 31 1.

Exchequer Bills, 21d. .. prem 54 58 Portuguese New 5 perCta.... India Stock 263 Russian 5 per Cents 114 15 Brazilian 5 per Cents 73 751 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 251 Belgian 5 per Cents 1034 44 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 181 19 Chilian 6 per Cents 95 7

The usual monthly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England, for the four weeks ending the 15th instant, is published, but does not afford any scope for remark ; the increase in the amount of bullion being so common as not to require notice.