22 JULY 1865, Page 2

East Surrey, after a very sharp contest, has again returned

two Liberals—Mr. C. Buxton, who has done yeoman's service in the matter of testa, subscriptions, and ecclesiastical withes generally, and Mr. Locke King, who does not believe, being a younger son, that primogeniture is ordained of God. Indeed he has no proper respect for dignities at all, for not content with considering Jacob as good as Esau, he exults in being elected in spite of the magistracy, three- fourths of whom voted for his opponent, and of two Chairmen of Quarter Sessions, and actually presumed-to doubt the political i 1- telligene,e of a candidate who " paid the revenue 400,0001. a year as duty on tea.': Infidel as to eldest sons, and unpaid magis- trates, and millionaire tradesmen like Mr. Peek—his biscuits are said to be excellent—Mr. Locke King ought-ti be, and wa have no doubt will be, well lectured by the Record. Men with opinions of that kind never have a proper reverence for Calvinism, and we should not wonder if Mr. Locke King, hard pressed.; were capable of denying the omnipresence of Satan. Could not the Morning Advertiser turn him out upon that?