In the Pulpit Commentary, edited by the Very Rev. IL
D. M. Spence, D.D., and the Rev. Joseph S. Exell, MA. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.), we 1 ave "Ecclesiastes," the Exposition by the Rev. W. J. Deane, the Homiletics by Rev. T. Whitelaw, and Homilies by Rev. Professor J. R. Thomson, Rev. W. Clarkson, and Rev. J. Will000k ; and the " ;•ion of Solomon," Exposition by the Rev. R. A. Bedford, Homiletics by Rev. B. C. Caffin, and Homilies by Rev. Professor Thomson, Rev. S. Conway, and Rev. J. D. Davies. These two nick ) up one volume. Another volume contains "Amos," "Obadiah," "Jonah," and "Micah." Mr. Deane, who writes the Introduction to "Jonah," considers the book to be historical,—a view which, we should imagine, now finds very few supporters, even among conservative critics.