Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne, By Horatio Bridge. (Osgood, MeIlvaine, and
Co.)—Mr. Bridgb was a Contemporary of Hawthorne at Bowdon College, and has some very pleasant recollections of the time (1821-25). Incidentally, too, he lets us hear some interesting matters. A term-bill, for instance, for May,
1823, gives a total of fourteen dollars and a half, tuition acconnt- ing for eight, and room-rent for three dollars and thirty-four cents. There is no mention of board, which was furnished at some private house, and varied from two dollars to a dollar-and-a-half weekly. Mr. Bridge, whose life has been spent in the public service (he was Paymaster to the Navy), gives nothing new in the way of criticism on Hawthorne's literary work, but he helps to form a picture of the man.