Waddesdon's style
From Mr Robin H. Mills Sir: I was dismayed to read Michael Keyte's comments on the restoration of Waddes- don Manor (Letters, 8 July). The property is owned by the National Trust but, since its acquisition in 1957, its management has always been the responsibility of the Roth- schild family, who have worked closely with the Trust; it is an enduring and successful partnership valued by both parties. Its prin- cipal benefit is the continuation of the style and standards of management which have made Waddesdon so distinctive and enjoyed by visitors. Only in recent years has the Trust made significant contributions to the running costs and the two latest major repairs contracts; otherwise, Waddesdon Manor is funded entirely from its own income, the endowment administered by the Waddesdon trustees and the remark- able generosity of the late Mrs de Roth- schild, Lord de Rothschild and their family trusts. Our relationship has always been very friendly and mutually supportive; there have been no problems whatsoever at any stage.
Robin H. Mills
Director, Thames & Chilterns Region, The National Trust, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire