At a meeting of the Directors of the Reform Association, held in the John Street Session House, Glasgow, on Tuesday, resolutions were adopted, to the effect that, on account of the shortness of the time between the receipt of the writ and the day of nomination for this city, it was expedient, without delay, to set on foot a requisition to Mr. James Oswald. The requisition is in the course of signature. On the evening of the same day, a meeting was held in front of the Gaol, at which it was resolved, in the first place, that Mr. Oswald was not a fit Member, and, in the second place, that Mr. Roebuck was not. The parties to these resolutions did not condescend to inform the public who was, in their opinion a fit Member ; perhaps they hold that one Mem- ber is enough for Glasgow. If any movement is to be made by the Tories on this occasion, their preparations have not yet transpired— Glasgow Argus, June 20.
A letter from Dundee communicates some particulars respecting the numbers present at a meeting of the working classes, or Chartists, held on Monday last in the celebrated Magdalen Yard Green. According to our correspondent's lowest estimate, (and he took the pains to mea- sure the space, which was closely packed by men—not women and children,) upwards of nine thousand persons attended the meeting. Besides these, however, there were a large number of women and boys upon the Green.