22 JUNE 1844, Page 19



On the 8th June, at St. Thiago, Cintra. Portugal. the Lady of Sir Gamma RANCOR/DS ViSCOMIHe D.PIEDADE. of El SOLI. On the 13th, at Edinburgh, the Lady of Captain FIRENCH, of the Twenty-ninth

Regiment. of a son. On the 13th, at Aymestry Vicarage, Herefordshire, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. T. C. Swerruscrrow, of a daughter.

On the 14th. at the Rectory, Houghton Conquest. the Lady of the Rev. H. J. Rosa,

of a daughter.

On the 17th, at Barton House, Warwickshire, the Lady of FREDERICK CoLvrize, Esq.,

of a daughter. On the 17th, at Bishop's Court, county of Kildare, the Countess of CLONMELL, of a daughter.

On the 18th, at Westhorpe. Notts, the Lady of Major WARRAND, of a son. On the 18th, at Sydenham, Mrs. JOHN RIVINOTON, of a daughter. On the 19th, in Bryaustune Square, at the house of her father' Joseph Hume. Esq., M.P., the Lady of Cesium GUBBINS. Esq.. of the Bengal Civil Service, of a sou. On the 19th, at Campden Hill, Lady CAROLINE LASCELLES, of a daughter.


On the 6th January, at Bushy Park, near Melbourne, Port Phillip, EDWARD Beam, Esq., of Cape Schauck, Port Phillip. and of Aylesbury. Bucks. to MADALINE CHARLOTTE Straus, eldest daughter of the late ALEXANDER Scurr, Esq., of Trinity, Edinburgh. On the 10th May, at the residence of the British Minister at Naples, JOSEPH Daze- FIELD. Esq., eldest son of the late Joseph Delafield, Esq., of Bryanstone Square,. London. to EL013A, daughter of the Cavaltere }SEVERE. of Naples. On the 11th June, at the residence of the British Minister in Switzerland, WADE BROWN. Esq., of Mouckton Farleigh House, Wilts, to SELINA, second daughter of Sir J. E. Eattozzy Wir.aor, Bart., Governor of Van Diemen's Laud. On the 13th. at Hadzor. the Rev. B. Davis, minister of St. George's Church, Wor- cester, to Jous, third daughter of the late Rev. R. H. AMPHLETI, of New Hall,


cester. and Rector of liadzur, in the same county.

On the 17th, at St. George's. Hanover Square. Karen STEWART MACKENZIE. Esq., of Seaforth, to Mist] HOPE VERB, eldest daughter of the late James Joseph Hope Vellw. Esq., of Craigiehall and Blackwood, N.Ii. On the 17th, at Richmond, Surrey, EDWARD SLAUGHTER, Esq.,ofJohn Street, Bedfoct Row, to FRANCES, second daughter of the late Sir EDWARD Mown', Bart. On the 18th, at Trinity Church, Upper Chelsea, WILLIAM HUNTER, M.D., Surgeon Major, Coldstream Guards, to HELEN, daughter of the late Rev. DAVID WILKIE. Minister of the parish of Cults. Fifeshire, and sister of the late Sir David Wilkie, R.& On the 18111, at Little Bookham. GEORGE NEWCOME, Esq., late Captain of the Forty- seventh Regiment, to HAREM SOPHIA, youngest daughter of JOHN CHARLES GiaLanor. Esq., of the Manor House. Little Bookham, Surrey. On the 18th, at Batcombe, Somersetshire, the Rev. Ocrevius Rama, Rector of Dengie. Essex, to HARRIET Arm only daughter of HENRY Easier, Esq., of Westcombe House, Batcombe. On the 18th, at the Rectory Church, St. Marylebone. ROBERT Emaorr, Esq., of Tempsford Hall, Bedfordshire, only son of the late Robert Elliott, Esq., of Goldington. House, in the same county, to ANNE LUCINDA, only daughter of the late JamasWenz. Esq., formerly of Beccles, Suffolk. On the 18th, at Milton, Kent, Captain Ancnraum PARK. of the Twenty-ninth BengaL Native Infantry, son of the late distinguished traveller, Mango Park, to ttecam. Arm, daughter of ADAM PARE, Eflq•


On the 16th April, at Cossipore, the Hon. Major-General Sir WILLIAM Curium, K.C.B., Member in Council; in his 64th year. On the 8th June, at the Rectory, Shelsley Beauchamp, the Rev. Thomas PRICE, Rec- tor of Shelsley Beauchamp and Shelsley Walsh, Worcestershire ; in his 49th year. On the 11th. at Paris. Hoasam nuzzles, youngest son of the late Sir Richard Phillips. On the 1211,, at Baden, MARY BURGH, Wife of Colonel PARKER, Royal Horse Artillery, and eldest daughter of the late Vice-Admiral Sir Home Popham. On the 13th, at Edinburgh, Dr. THOMAS CHARLES HOPE, late Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. On the 13th, at Whitehaven, Joan HARRISON, Esq., one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland; in his 78th year. On the 15th, at Boulogne stir Her, Tuomas CAMPBELL, Esq., the Author 01 " The Pleasures of Hope," &c. On the lfith, in Manchester Square, the Hon. ARTHUR H. COLE, late M.P. for Exults- kitten ; in his 64th year. On the 17th, in Euston Square, Joust LAINSON, Esq., late Alderman of the Ward of Bread Street; in his 65th year. On the 18th, at Oxford, Camma, Wife of the Rev. Rictztan HARINGTON, D.D., Prin- cipal of Brasenose; in her 34th year. On the 18111, at Royston, Cambridgeshire, JAMES WORTHAM, Esq.; in his 90th year. On the 18th, at Brighton, PRISCELLA MAIIOARET, eldest daughter of the late Vice. Admiral William Albany Otway. Wife of Rear-Admiral INGLETIELD, C.B. On the 19th, at Islington, JANE, daughter of the late C. J. Macros, Esq., M.P. for. Petersfield.

On the 19th, at Twickenham, Mrs. ANN Davies; in her 90th year. Lately. at Aden.-South Arabia, Lieutenant NATHANIEL Maxwma. HUNTER. late of her Majesty's Seventeenth Regiment. Lately, at Tees Cottage, Darlington, Emmy MARY, Wife of EDWARD T. COPLEY, Esq., and daughter if Sir John Milbank, Bart., of Halnaby Hall, Yorkshire; in her 38th year.