22 JUNE 1867, Page 22

believe, at Trevecca College, settled at Wigan. My chapel was

built for name (somewhat clumsily) indicates, and much more. It is a complete him. There he instrumentally converted Mr. Roby, who succeeded him edition of the poet's works, and consists of thirteen handy, elegant, limp here a short time, and then went to Manchester. Mr. Roby improved little volumes (82mo.), packed in a case, and printed very legibly in his death from the words, " My father, my father !" His emotions were antique type on toned paper, not unlike the Pall Mall Gazette. As these very deep, and many of the people said, "I may exclaim, 'My grand- volumes could readily insinuate themselves into any pocket, they are father !' " are"

especially to be recommended to those lovers of Shakespeare who wish Mr. Aveling tells us of the repentance of a man who, when young, to make him a personal companion. The case would, however, none the joined with a mob in pelting Mr. Clayton, and who came to ask less form a desirable ornament on the study or drawing-room table.