How little statesmen agree about what we are bound to
do is ,evident from Lord Derby's and Lord Russell's different views, ex- pressed on Thursday. " If France," said Lord Derby, " in violation -of this treaty, should take possession of Luxemburg, England, though Prussia might call for assistance, was not bound to give it," -which interprets the guarantee as illusory. On the other hand, Lord Russell said his opinion was that if " France should violate the treaty, the other powers of Europe would feel bound to call on France to retire from Luxemburg." And that, too, is evidently Lord Stanley's feeling, supposing they are big enough and numerous enough to undertake such a business with reasonable hope of success ;—hence his very just anxiety. But why is it necessary to -enter into undertakings which every second statesman interprets differently ? Surely, Lord Stanley's political use in this life is to -see that political engagements are clear, definite, and unambiguous.