The Monarchical section of the Assembly, irritated by M. 'Thiers'
speech on the Army Bill, and the growing popularity of the Republic, has been trying all this week to diminish the .Pre- Aident's power. They propose to elect a Vice-President, but =- cot find a man, M. Grevy being too Liberal, the Due d'Aumale too Orleanist, and General Chanzy too decidedly in favour of the Republic. They have, moreover, sent a deputation to M. Thiers to ask him to defer to the majority-, and discourage the election of Republican candidates, three of whom have been returned this week. M. Thiers received the deputation "most graciously," talked to them for two hours, asked them to dinner, and there it -ends. He is going his own way, and as his way strengthens the Republic, it is perhaps better so.