The return of Mr. Owen D. Young has been marked by a renewal both of tributes to his work in Paris and of speculation as to the part he may take in public affairs in future. In saying that the whole country greeted him " with pride gratitude, and a lively hope of drafting him again when the befitting need and task arise " the Republican New York' Herald-Tribune voiced popular feeling irrespective of political implications. Yet political considerations inevitably creep in, for while Mr. Young has always scrupulously avoided activity of a partisan kind he has never concealed his faith in the traditional principles of the Democratic Party, and that Party' is at present eagerly angling for a suitable Presidential candi- date for 1932. With his unique record of public service, business genius, and immense personal prestige, now greatly enhanced by his work at Paris, Mr. Young at the age of fifty- five clearly occupies an outstanding position—and it is natural he should be turned to. His nomination, indeed, is already proposed, both in the Democratic Press and by several leading' members of the Party at Washington, who feel he is the one man who might re-unite the several Democratic factions, and at the same time win the support of the country. Presidential nominations three years ahead, however, can be considered as only academic compliments, and Mr. Young's sense of humour saves him from regarding well-meaning suggestions too seriously.