The League of Nations The session of the Council of
the League of Nations, at Madrid is ended. We have no doubt that some good has been done by the discussion of the question of " Minorities," but a rapid progress is not to be expected where unanimity is necessary, and we must be content with an advance which does. ot reach certain points which we hoped to see passed. Neither. Senator Dandurand nor Sir Austen- Chamberlain will be satisfied. The Council did, however, decide that the President of the Council may invite four members instead of two to examine petitions : that the Committee should be ready to sit more often (but not permanently, as some hoped) : that results of examinations of petitions by the Committee should-be communicated to other members of the Council, and published " with the consent of the Governments concerned." Though we do not wish to see the Council becoming habitually peripatetic, we feel that this session has been a success. Madrid, led by the King and Queen, has welcomed it with fine hospitality, and we hope that all Spain realizes the vitality of the League better than before.