The Indian Delays The persistent rumours that the publication of
the RepOrt of the -Joint Select Committee on India will be delayed until October are very disquieting. That would mean that the Government of India Bill would not be presented for the Royal Assent at the earliest until the end of July of next year. There are suggestions that it may be delayed until 1936. It is argued in defence of the committee's procrastination that as a result of it the Government's final proposals will not figure as the dominant topic. at the forthcoming elections for the Indian Assembly. But whether the prOposals have been published or not the character of the new constitution is bound to be the only issue for India. This delay will merely exacerbate Indian opinion at the moment more friendly disposed than at any time since the Irwin-Gandhi pact. It was as long ago as 1927 that the Simon Commission was appointed. Since then there have been three Round Table Conferences, and the Joint Select Committee has already been in existence for over a year. Procrastination can be as disastrous as preci- pitancy. Each month of further delay in the publication of the Select Committee's Report is likely to render more unfavourable the atmosphere in which India will receive its recommendations. It is to be hoped that tord Willingdon, who arrives in this country at an opportune moment, will press that point strongly on Ministers.
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