[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—I have read with interest Mr. Jenkins' statement of the state of affairs in the Far East. Am I to presume that if his neighbour had neither room nor food for his family, Mr. Jenkins' solution of the problem would be to increase the bolts and bars on the doors of his own house, so that they might not be tempted to turn to him for assistance ?
I should like to protest against the assumption that this is England's attitude to Japan. Mr. Jenkins approves of the statement that " at the root of all Japan's actions is economic need." Would it not be wise, then, for us to go to the root of the problem and ask in what way we can help to meet that need, instead of preparing for the inevitable result of evading an unpleasant issue ?—I am, Sir, &e.,
45 Oulton Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, 10.