22 JUNE 1934, Page 32


Not the least interesting feature in recent company reports has been the improvement disclosed in the financial results from some of the iron and steel undertakings. Thus,. for example; the report of Allied Ironfounders Limited for the year ending March 81st last is a remarkably good one. The directors state that the indications of improved demand noticeable twelve months ago became more pronounced during the year, and this statement is borne out by the fact that the Report shows that the total trading profits earned by the subsidiary companies amounted to £278,421, as compared with £123,889 in the previous year. After transferring £14,467 to the Debenture Redemption Reserve Account, £27,500 to Income Tax Reserve, and £30,000 to General Reserve Account, there is an available balance of £187,245, against £129,169 a year ago. Moreover, whereas last year no dividend was paid on the Ordinary Shares, a dividend is now announced at the rate of 71 per cent. per annum with a balance forward of £102,674, against £76,953 a year ago. The balance-sheet is also a good one. The £1 Ordinary Shares now stand at about 33s. xd., thus giving an approximate yield to the investor of 41 per cent.