France and Britain Overseas
Another practical development of the intimacy between Britain and France is to be found in the measures which are being taken by Mr. MacDonald and M. Georges Mandel, the French Colonial Minister, to extend collaboration over the whole field of the British and French Colonial Empires. In Africa, in the Middle East, in the Far East and in the West Indies, British and French Colonies or mandated terri- tories exist side by side or in close proximity. In the past they have often been in rivalry. The aim in this sphere, as nearer home in military, industrial and financial matters, is to substitute close co-operation for competition. The broad Imperial aim in both cases is to increase the well-being of the Colonial peoples, to find means by which the French and British Governors of neighbouring territories may make closer contacts to co-ordinate production and marketing, to exchange information concerning medical services and scientific research, and in as many ways as possible to make the services complementary and mutually helpful. 1.r.
MacDonald and M. Mandel decided during their cons,.:.ta. tions in Paris to create an organisation in London and P,.ris to maintain a permanent liaison between the two dep.irt- ments. Here, as in the political and economic splk-,:s, French and British Ministers are laying in war-time he foundations of an intimate co-operation which is intender to be lasting.