22 MARCH 1940, Page 2


THE Prime Minister was able to make a strong case for the Government in the debate on Finland in the House of Commons on Tuesday. At the beginning of the Russian attacks Field-Marshal Mannerheim appealed for munitions, and explicitly not for men, and the Allies forthwith began the transmission of supplies, which were limited in quantity only by the inability of Norway and Sweden to transport more. When at length the Finns sent their urgent request for men as well as equipment both Finland and the Allied Govern- ments asked Norway and Sweden to give free passage for Allied troops. They refused for the reason that has been given by Professor Koht, the Norwegian Foreign Minister —Germany would have attacked them. Britain and France had large forces ready to send to Finland, and Field-Marshal Mannerheim testifies to the fact that Sweden and Norway would not let them go through. What, then, is the chary. against the Government? That it did not go to war with Russia? Yet it appears to have been prepared for action against Russia long before any members of the Opposition had thought of urging such a course. Or is it that it refused to violate the neutrality of the Scandinavian countries and carry the war into their country? Which of the critics is prepared to maintain that such violation would be com- patible with the cause for which we are at war?