22 MARCH 1940, Page 20


SIR,—Parents are urged not to bring their children home from the reception areas.

A child in my care was recently taken to the doctor on account of a rash suspected to be measles. The doctor said it was due to poisoning from his teeth. The dentist said that four teeth badly needed stopping. Since, however, the child was an evacuee he could not treat them, since only emergency treatment may be provided under the Regulations. Nor could he take out four teeth ; but if I would wait until the child had severe toothache, he could then remove the offending tooth.

The parent, therefore, is expected to acquiesce in her child suffering from poisoning until he has had four separate attacks of severe toothache. An appeal to the Local Education Authority has confirmed that this is the ruling. It is added that it may be possible to arrange for stoppings in April. The school has been here since September, and no child has had any dental treatment. It is not surprising that parents take their children home to be dealt with in London hospitals.—Yours, &c.,